St. 约翰的 College Faculty
每节课. 约翰的是小号的, interdisciplinary discussion about great books 和 ideas led by the best teaching faculty in the world. 事实上,我们的 faculty is regularly ranked as among the top 10 for “best undergraduate teaching,” “professors get high marks,” “best classroom experience,” 和 “most accessible professors.” Meet some of our faculty below.
Tutors on Favorite Program Books
柏拉图. 博尔赫斯. 奥斯丁. 莎士比亚. 杜波依斯. 爱因斯坦. 欧几里得. 伍尔夫. 林肯. 亚里士多德. 塞万提斯. Picking just one great thinker may be the hardest part of being a faculty member at St. 约翰的.
在澳门金沙网赌登陆的, we call our faculty “tutors” (instead of “professors”) because they aren’t in the classroom to lecture; instead, our tutors work alongside students, guiding a discussion about great books 和 ideas. In fact, among national liberal arts colleges, St. 约翰的 has the third smallest student-to-faculty ratio (7:1), an average class size of 16, 和 a largest class size capped at 21. There are no adjunct professors or teaching assistants.
In addition to their faculty mentor or advisor, students genuinely know their tutors in class, meet them for one-on-one conferences throughout the semester, 和 even join them for lunch in the coffee shop.

Continuing the Conversation
A film + podcast series featuring St. 约翰的教师.